every where
she is
every here
I am
Two friends on the phone, A in Portugal, C in Denmark.
A to be read in a flat United States English
C to be read by a native Danish speaker with an English accent to his English
A: I've been here five years by myself
C: Oh, well, then you're really weird
A: (laughter) yeah man, I'm really fuckin weird
C: (laughter)
() to be read aloud
You can't feel good too long
calm like you could do anything
need that one
sting that stems from another
(quick inhale with mouth) after week
a pain shifting
(quick inhale with nose)
(hand gestures from region to region)
from your groin to your back to your chest to your throat
you breath deeply
(long inhale and exhale)
take over the counter remedies
reminding yourself it's
then you feel good again
you drink and smoke a lot
to feel like shit again in the morning
sure as it's wrong
any physical law has a chance
if there were no reality
in a real world
had dinner with austrians
the sound of austrian economics
will kill you
I love killing with armies
when I was young
we didn't kill anyone
I love killing
I love getting high
and killing
and waking up and wondering
I love killing with guns
how after killing with guns
I love to kill with bombs
I love to kill you I am
living to kill you I will love to kill you
's the question
why does God
's not the waves
or the rain
the fact 's music
's the poetry
's when 's where
's when's 's really
's where 's when
's why's
no choice
's magine that
's yous ain'ts
's livin in a bar
you's ain't
livin in a bar
gots cleans
the puke's
livin in a bar's
gots children
livin in a bar
gots frontier
gods when
will it end
nobody can itself improves wishes then a amsterdamer be time is no longer than a dog to the oar go lie or will sit on that spot and do further or you do not exist by time you can call you do not do as snow for the sun the first day large panic was, nobody said we will live and do what we want first people stood where they wanted be he/she forgot as from the first hour that firstly the tale of people who you are how he and they are as particles in the man machinery of city and country how live to live a phantom language became stone and leg which belonged to each other in that Scottish and crooked world chamber of the 21ste century with all to the same red wire says how it is remains too high seized time is a type what brain in the war holy must a much propeller twisted too permanently as time hangs out your throat words talked bullshit with plat to take part in a conversation and differently appoint not seized from living but there discreet let down in time that appointment not to come too late an adoptive word by everyone uses to agree something with a earthly voice that in no reality what is possible time as inner tube which ventilates keep must with a rubber saw knock together want from day and night time as a fissure in a splendor moment an excited bell which stops each time time, an elongated tone that virtually inaudible is
when I returned
nothing was
in its place
not even the cat
was still black
copyright remains with the author
decided to make my living
moved to New York where
decided to make my death
moved to Copenhagen
the drunks have their bench
decided I was dead
moved to Amsterdam
crying My God
in several languages
the sea's the sun was
that's why it's poison baby
smells so good that greek dust
that roman rope really
they were wrong about us
we them
they had our best memories
not our best
future in mind how could they
see the end
for the wave of where they were
because surely
they could have been any one
the decision's
made the anguish to name
to be specific
and from this built a great nation
but of the better century
The mightiest military's
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
no match for one car bomb
strange the things people dump
on the side of the road
I've never seen any trash
dumped around Amsterdam
there it's all about
what god can't see
if you put the garbage out
on the wrong day they
tear through it looking
for anything
with your name on it
even the Nieuwmarkt's junkieless
the Red Light Districts's
half mannequins people
move next to bars and complain
about the noise
strange the things people dump
on the side of the road