Sleeping Through Russell

sure as it's wrong
any physical law has a chance
if there were no reality
in a real world

the great philosophers
and addicts
will tell you
keep your distance
everyone likes a story

it's scary to be a poet
there's lot's of blood
and those who were
might still be

I'm sick of being
myself last night
we went to watch
the sunset something
I usually don't do

Letter To Another Friend

had dinner with austrians
the sound of austrian economics
will kill you
I love killing with armies
when I was young
we didn't kill anyone
I love killing
I love getting high
and killing
and waking up and wondering
I love killing with guns
how after killing with guns
I love to kill with bombs
I love to kill you I am
living to kill you I will love to kill you

Soon it will be
an hour ago
and I will have
been having had
an hour to kill
in the airport
there on time

at the mercy
of what

God And All That

's the question
why does God
's not the waves
or the rain
the fact 's music
's the poetry
's when 's where
's when's 's really
's where 's when
's why's
no choice
's magine that
's yous ain'ts
's livin in a bar
you's ain't
livin in a bar
gots cleans
the puke's
livin in a bar's
gots children
livin in a bar
gots frontier
gods when
will it end